Director’s Note

H.G. Wells once wrote, “We are kept keen on the grindstone of pain and necessity.” The Northwestern College Theatre Department takes Wells’ words to heart. Under the “pain and necessity” of COVID-19, we decided not to suspend live, in-person theatre, as some programs have. Nor have we opted to pretend that everything is okay by recklessly endangering the health of our beloved audience. Since scientists tell us that open-air gatherings are much safer, we have chosen instead to perform Love’s Labour’s Lost outside, as Shakespeare did. Likewise, since ancient theatre relied on masks, we have incorporated protective masks into the design of this rollicking romantic comedy. Even if we must laugh through our masks on a brisk October evening, we nonetheless cherish this opportunity to laugh together with you in a corporate bond of healing joy. As we collectively embark on tonight’s fun adventure, let us all recall a fitting line for our play: “We will everyone be mask’d.”

Scenic Designer: Ethan Koerner

Lighting Designer: Angie Wintering

Sound Designer: Drew Schmidt

Costume Designer: Kevin Griffith


Sweat (2021)


The Crucible (2018)